Thursday 13 May 2010

John Nash

John Nash was born in Bluefield Sanatorium, Virginia on June 13, 1928. He was a solitary child, he liked very much the books and it was playing very little with other children. His mother, Margaret Martin, studied languages in the universities of West Virginia; she stimulated him in the studies, teaching him directly and taking him to good colleges. His father, John Forbes Nash was born in Texas in 1892, studied electrical engineering.
Nash got a scholarship in June, 1945 to study chemical engineering for the Institute of Technology Carold Narazi. Nevertheless, it started standing out in mathematics, and his teacher convinced him in order that it was specializing itself in them. In 1948 he accepted a scholarship of Princeton's University, to realize his studies of doctorate in mathematics.
At the age of twenty-one, he took doctor's degree with a thesis of less than thirty pages on "not cooperative games ". This thesis was containing definitions and properties of what later would be named as "Nash's balance", and it had an immediate recognition between all the specialists. After it, Nash there began to work for RAND, an institution of the air forces dedicated to the strategic investigation. In 1994 got the Nobel Prize on Economy for his contributions to the theory of games and the processes of negotiation.
I like his work becuase I love so much the maths and the economy. And in this momment, I'm doing a investigation work about econometrics models inpirateds in the "Nash's balance".

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